Ballina Coast High School

Innovation, excellence, diversity

Telephone02 66810100


SDD Term 3 2022

Dear Families

 In Term 3 2022 all staff at BCHS will be involved in professional learning on introducing the Berry Street Education Model. This date has had to change to accommodate the course. Term 3 2022...all students will return to school on Day 1-18 July 2022. The School Development Day has been moved to Friday 22 July 2022. This is only for BCHS. No students attend school on the Friday of Week 1.

The Berry Street Education Model

The Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) is a practical approach to teaching and learning that enables teachers to increase engagement with students with complex, unmet learning needs and successfully improve all students’ self-regulation, growth, and academic achievement. The teaching strategies incorporate evidence-based trauma-aware teaching, positive education, and wellbeing practices. This program will be rolled out to staff over the next several months.

Developed in Australia, the Berry Street Education Model consists of five modules and over 100 practical strategies that correspond with the child-development capacities that each student must build to be ‘ready to learn in any context. The whole staff will focus first on building students' capacity to engage and then nurturing their willingness to participate in learning.