Building on the success of our popular Targeted Sports Program (TSP) BCHS is excited to launch TAP, a selective, extra-curricular Targeted Arts Program designed to showcase exemplary CAPA students by nurturing and developing creativity, confidence and collaboration.
Students selected for this program will receive weekly coaching and have the opportunity to participate in performances, exhibitions, specialised workshops and a range of curated off-campus experiences.
Students will be selected through an audition process which will begin in Term 4 2024.
Potential candidates are asked to register their interest by following this link
How do I get involved?
Participants will be selected through an audition process.
Interested students will be required to complete an online application form and present an audition (Drama and Music) or a portfolio of work (Art) to a selection panel in Term 4 2024.
Audition material will be supplied at the end of Term 3 to all those who have registered their interest.
What can I choose to do?
TAP will initially run three streams: Music, Art and Drama.
What if I want to choose more than one stream?
We encourage students with lots of talents to apply for as many streams as they are interested in. We can then tailor an individual program that’s right for you!
What about Dance?
We haven’t forgotten about our wonderful dancers and hope to add a dance stream very soon! If you are passionate about taking Dance, please indicate this in your expression of interest (use the link above)
What will I get?
TAP offers participants a performance-based program with opportunities to extend themselves through a range of showcases, workshops and off-campus experiences. This may include workshops with industry professionals, Performance Nights, local gigs, exhibitions and recordings as well as participation in our annual MADD Production and a TAP camp.
How much does it cost?
Entry to the program will incur an annual pay-what-you-can-afford contribution. (Suggested contribution $50) to cover uniforms and equipment. Workshops, camps and excursions throughout the year may incur additional costs but will be subsidised where possible.
When will it run?
TAP sessions will run 3:30-5:30 on Thursday afternoons. Participants will be expected to maintain a 95% attendance rate.
When will it start?
TAP will launch at the beginning of the 2025 school year. Auditions to the program will be held in Term 4.
Can I do TAP and TSP?
Yes of course, you multi-talented star! TAP will run after school so as to not clash with TSP sessions.