Ballina Coast High School

Innovation, excellence, diversity

Telephone02 66810100

Offshore Fishing

Students will be going offshore fishing with Evans Head Deep Sea Fishing Charters. 

It is recommended that students consider taking sea sickness medication 1-2 hours prior to boarding the charter boat. Students will need a long-sleeved shirt, hat, and sunscreen to mitigate the risk of sunburn. A water-resistant/windproof jacket could be beneficial if the weather is cold, windy, and/or rainy. 

Any seafood caught by the students can be taken home and students planning to do so are encouraged to bring a small esky. Any fish left over will be taken back to school to be used for seafood processing and preparation activities. All fishing equipment and bait are supplied. Students can bring their own equipment at their own risk. 

This excursion will leave BCHS at 4:30 a.m. arriving for a safety briefing and then boarding the charter boat leaving Evans Head at 5:30 a.m. Students will need to make their own way to school but should return in time for the regular afternoon buses.

Participants: Year 12 Marine Studies students

Venue: Local Marine Environments

Faculty: Science

Attending Staff: Caleb Sandercock, Averil Waite