Late notes
Students who need to leave school during the day should:
Bring a note from home indicating:
- date
- full name
- school year
- reason
- time to be picked up from front office
- parent/carer name written clearly
- parent/carer signature
Students should be organised to arrive at school before 8.55am daily. If they are late please ensure they arrive using the front entrance of the school.
Late students are to proceed to the Front Office to sign-in. If students are unattended, they will be signed in without permission to be late. this can be rectified by parent/carer notification.
Change of contact details
Ballina Coast High School appreciates you keeping us up to date.
Please notify the school when:
- A student's details change such as address or phone number
- A parent/carer's details change such as address or phone number or email address
- Family structure changes
Please inform the Front Office as soon as possible.
Students may bring home a form to complete and return it to the office.
Mobile devices
Mobile phones are not to be used in class. Mobile phones may be used in the breaks (before school, recess, lunch, after school), but not during class time.
Students are reminded that it is an offence to photograph people without written consent from the person or parent (for student under 18 years).
Please encourage friends and family to contact any mobile phones outside class time or preferably outside school hours of 9.00am to 3.30pm.
Electronic items are susceptible to theft and although the school will do all it can in the event of loss, damage or theft of personal items, the school takes no responsibility for any electronic items students bring to school. Please engrave all electronic items with your name and contact details.
Absent notes
When students are absent notes need to be returned to school within seven (7) school days for the absence to be explained. Beyond seven (7) days their absence record can not be amended. Please include the following details on the notes:
- Students full name
- School Year
- Dates of absence
- Reason for absence ie. virus. (Please indicate the nature of the illness).
This attached file is for a proforma absence note that you can print off and fill in. Absence Note (PDF 161KB)KB)