Ballina Coast High School

Innovation, excellence, diversity

Telephone02 66810100

Wellbeing Team

The BCHS wellbeing team ensure that every student is known, valued and cared for. The support may be put in place for individuals, groups, year groups and the whole school as need arises. The Wellbeing Team is made up of:

- Learning Coaches

- Year Advisers

- Learning and Support Teachers

- Head Teacher Wellbeing

- Student Support Officer (SSO)

- Wellbeing and Health In-Reach Nurse (WHIN)

- School Counsellors

- Deputy Principals

The SSO, WHIN and School Counsellor play specialist roles in supporting student wellbeing:


Wellbeing nurse work closely with school wellbeing and learning and support teams. They also work closely with local health and social services to support students and their families on a wide range of health and wellbeing issues. Issues may include mental health, social and behavioural support, physical health, and peer or family relationships.


Student Support Officers (SSOs) work within the school community to enhance the learning and wellbeing outcomes of students, in partnership with the wellbeing team and the School Counselling Service. SSOs also play a pivotal role in working collaboratively with external agencies and creating referral pathways for students and families to youth and family support agencies.

School Counsellor

School Counsellors work directly with students to help them with issues related to learning, peer and family relationships, and managing emotions such as depression, anxiety, worry or isolation.

They also work with teachers, families, school executive, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community.