Ballina Coast High School

Innovation, excellence, diversity

Telephone02 66810100

Past School Uniform Survey

Thank you to all the people who took  the time to complete the uniform survey. Please find below the


· Senior Girls and Boys uniform (button up shirt both boys and girls/unisex polo with optional ties)

· Junior Girls (button up shirt/polo top with optional ties)

· Junior Boys (button up shirt/polo top with optional ties)

· Separate sport uniform

· Hats, blazers and jumpers

· Shades of blues strongly supported however no consensus

· Further investigation of colours to occur. This will be influenced by the name, brand and logo of the school.

· Deadline for uniform is still on track

· Monday 3rd May 2016 next Uniform Committee Meeting at 4pm at K-12 Southern Cross High School.


A huge thank you to everyone who spent their time collecting and collating the survey.