24 May 2022

Ballina Coast High MADD Production: The Bad Guy Club
Over the past decade, BCHS MADD Productions have become a bit of an institution around town with many loyal audience members returning year after year, even if they don’t have students at the school. The original, high-energy productions showcase the talent of the school’s impressive Music, Art, Drama and Dance (MADD!) students and feature casts of over one hundred performers.
MADD writer and director, drama teacher Ali Chigwidden explains her theory behind the shows’ enduring success. ‘Our MADD Productions have something for everyone; big dance numbers, engaging storytelling and a cracking live band. We love to take well-known stories and characters and reimagine them in surprising and contemporary ways. When I write the scripts, my target audience are the Dads who are dragged along to dance concerts against their will and are then pleasantly surprised when the actor playing Captain Hook suddenly busts out a Metallica song (spoiler alert for this year’s show!) Plus, our kids are incredibly talented and the pure joy and sense of pride they radiate whilst performing is completely infectious.’
Year 12 student and MADD veteran Owen Green is one of the lead roles in this year’s show. He reflects on his involvement in the productions saying, ‘MADD is something I’ve loved and found comfort in ever since I saw my first show when I was in year 5. I knew I wanted to be part if it. It’s just the best ‘family’ to be in. We always have a great time.’
This years’ production The Bad Guy Club explores the stories of misunderstood villains and features hits from Imagine Dragons, Wolfmother, Nirvana and Rhianna with a strong message of kindness, resilience and finding the gold in people.
To ensure the magic of theatre is accessible to everyone, the matinee performance on Thursday 9th will be a community performance suitable for those who are photosensitive.
The Bad Guy Club runs 7th-9th June at the BCHS Performing Arts Centre. Tickets are available through the school website events page or trybooking website.
For further information, follow BCHSMADDPRODUCTIONS on Instagram and folow our schools Facebook page